You can use keyboard commands to work quickly in the QuoEdit. Click a category below.
Moving caret
To jump to the left edge of the paragraph
cmd - left arrow (add option or ctrl if unavailable)
To jump to the right edge of the paragraph
cmd - right arrow (add option or ctrl if unavailable)
To jump to the end of the document
cmd - down arrow
To jump to the beginning of the document
cmd - up arrow
To jump to the left word
option - left arrow or ctrl - A
To jump to the right word
option - right arrow or ctrl - F
To scroll down
option - down arrow or ctrl - C
To scroll up
option - up arrow or ctrl - R
To jump to the left edge of the physical line
ctrl - left arrow
To jump to the right edge of the physical line
ctrl - right arrow
To jump to the bottom of the window
ctrl - down arrow
To jump to the top of the window
ctrl - up arrow
To move into the visible area if the selection is out
option - enter
To jump to the next tab stop (field)
control - tab
To jump to the previous tab (delimiter)
control - option - tab
(Formerly, command key was used instead of control key)
To move caret with left hand
ctrl - S / D / X / E
(called diamond cursor keys.)
To make selection
shift + key (combination) to move caret
To switch active end of the selection range
shift - ctrl - option + arrow key
Moving view
To see the bottom of the document
ctrl - cmd - down arrow (equivalent: end)
To see the top of the document
ctrl - cmd - up arrow (equivalent: home)
To scroll down
ctrl - option - down arrow (equivalent: page down)
To scroll up
ctrl - option - up arrow (equivalent: page up)
To go back to the selection
ctrl - enter
Dialog boxes
To choose your favorite font in the Typeface dialog box
option - down arrow / up arrow
To input a tab character in the Find dialog box
ctrl - tab
To input a return character in the Find dialog box
ctrl - return
And so on
Assignments not shown without Appearance Manager
Open Recents: cmd-shift-O
Save As: cmd-shift-S
Revert: cmd-shift-R
Page Setup: cmd-shift-P
File Options: cmd-option-P
Redo: cmd-shift-Z
Multi-file Search: cmd-option-F
Last Script: cmd-shift-U
Record Sequence: cmd-option-B
Save Sequence: cmd-shift-B
Let It Open: cmd-shift-L
Pause Speaking: cmd-option-K
F-keys — Standard
Undo: F1, Cut: F2, Copy: F3, Paste: F4
F-keys — Additional for QuoEdit
Redo: shift-F1
Find backward again: F5, Find forward again: F6
To delete a character that follows the caret
shift - delete (equivalent: forward delete)
To select keyboard layout or input method of the document script or the Roman script if three or more script systems (like Roman, Japanese and Chinese) are installed on your computer
ctrl - cmd - space
(In fact, this shortcut is reserved by Apple Computer.)